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Meal Prep - The Movement

We’ve talked before about the benefits of meal preps, but we want to show how meal prep can really benefit your mind & body. Most of us are so busy with our everyday life that it is hard to plan things such as what your going to eat. But when you eat something thats portioned with fresh and healthy ingredients your overall energy level increases along with your piece of mind.

People will impulsively order junk food while out and presented with so many options, overspend at restaurants and realistically not reach their fitness and health goals living this kind of lifestyle. There is no right or wrong way to meal prep, but to have a program designed for you makes it easier to reach your specific goal. This can help with weight control as you are deciding beforehand the right ingredients and portions that are right for your body - this is where the body benefits. It reduces stress in last minute choices, rushed preparations, or impulsive food decisions that end in regret - this is where the mind benefits.

Meal prepping is a healthy eating strategy used by thousands of people across the globe. This is how the hashtag #MEALPREPMONDAY has gotten so much recognition. It is a movement that many are joining due to the incredible benefits. People like to feel in control and what better than to be in control of your own nutrition? Now this doesn't mean just plain old chicken and broccoli meal prepped into some plastic container. Meal prep could be anything you desire but cooked with fresh ingredients and portioned out is what makes it more effective.

Planning ahead is one of the best qualities of a personal chef. Knowing how to cook your desired foods in the freshest, healthiest ways could eliminate those last minute unhealthy choices. Planning ahead is proven to reduce stressful situations & food is one thing that should be enjoyable, not stressful. Meal prepped food is made fresh in your own home, labeled, and ready for you when you come home and leftovers in the fridge for the next day. Looking into this lifestyle could really benefit your way of life.

Example of meal preps would include something with a protein / carb / greens / healthy fat & all prepared with cooking oil. No one wants to be stuck in the kitchen every night deciding how to incorporate all these ingredients to maximize health benefits and also taste delicious. This sounds intimidating, but the amount of time saved each night is extraordinary. This is also a great plan to try and consume different things in your diet that you might not regularly have. This is definitely a movement we recommend giving a try, even if its just for a week. See how this could benefit you.

| All these images are freshly prepared by the Chefs of Sweet Monae. Contact us for 15% off your first 3 cook dates |

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