Happy Halloween fellow foodies! Today is the day to enjoy your favorite candy and treats with friends and family. We love the assortment of Halloween goodies that this day has to offer and its only right to indulge a little when the holidays come rolling around. Grab your costumes and enjoy this Halloween with some of the pleasures it has to offer !

Since it is already Halloween day, we have some last minute quick, easy, delicious () halloween ideas to offer:
Pumpkin Deviled Eggs
This one is a great party appetizer that everyone will enjoy eating & looking at! Grab your favorite deviled eggs recipe and in addition, purchase some paprika and chives to make these into ‘pumpkin deviled eggs’. Prep your recipe to your liking and when done, add paprika to your yolk mixture for some pumpkin coloring and slice the chive to make a tiny stem that can be placed on top of the yolk mixture. You now were able to adjust your favorite recipe to a fall favorite!
Candy Pumpkins
This one is a quick and easy food hack that can be made for the kids or any party! Now when we say candy pumpkins we don't really mean a real pumpkin. You will actually be using oranges for this one. Simply slice off a little top of the orange and scoop out all of the inside of the fruit. You can carve or draw a fun little face on the orange and it is now made to look like a pumpkin! Fill this with some of your favorite candies like smarties, skittles, or some m&m’s and put the top back on. This is bound to be a party favorite how clever and adorable it comes out!
Pumpkin Dip
Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin! Another little last minute trick that is one of our personal favorites. Go out to the store and grab any little pumpkin you like. Than you get to carve it! A delicious recipe that also turns into a halloween classic. Cut the top off, scoop out the inisdes, and carve the pumpkin to make it look like its mouth is wide open. Now place the pumpkin on any decorative halloween plate you’d like & fill the bottom with your favorite dip. Continue to make the dip look like it is coming from the pumpkins mouth straight onto the plate. You can put as much dip to your liking. (We like to use guacamole for this one). Than place chips, veggies, bread, or any other dippers on the side of the plate. Enjoy!

Grab your last minute treats. Put on your costumes. And go make Halloween 2k17 a great (and spooky) one!